Friday, August 24, 2007

Trial Photo Shoot......

Okay so I am watching this little girl this week and her mother said she didn't me using her little one as a model this week!!! YES!! So here are a LOT of shots of her...............

Justin.....oh so handsome!!

Here are my step-son Justin's pictures, I took these for his 4 yr old pictures...........cute!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Birthday Pictures!

Here are some from back in April when my daughter turned 5.....(I was supposed to take some of my son for his 1st birthday but he wasn't up for that, haha!! )

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My First Photos.....

Here are a few of my very first pictures that I started playing with and actually learned how to do things with the background etc. He was about 8 months old. Enjoy!!